To protect your investment

Anticorrosive processing of metal constructions and tanks
Design activity
Concrete and metal protection
Damp course
Design activity
Concrete and metal protection
Damp course
For mail:
620026, Ekaterinburg, 8 Marta street, house 197, office 308
Tel. 382-03-47
ðàçðàáîòêà ñàéòà ñòóäèÿ WebZenit
Our advantages

1. High-technology equipment of our company allows to execute amount of works on surface protection (to Sà 2,5) to 100 thousand square meters in a month. 

2. The company has the highest level of a branch and grocery diversification in the market of anticorrosive protection.

3. The company takes one of leading places in branch on a conclusion to the market of innovative, hi-tech products (3-4 new products in a year).

4. Workers of our company possess the technology which is ensuring functioning in an excited environment with limited access of oxygen with independent system of giving air.

5. Long time we co-operate with leaders of the Russian economy: GÌÊ Norilsk nickel, the Russian Open Society "United Power Systems", NÊ LUKOIL, multinational corporation-VR Open Society, Russian Railway Open Society.

6. Inspection quality assurance of works in our company inspectors in the field of processing carry out the surfaces having the international certificate of independent inspector FROSIO and "Prometej" to St.-Petersburg.

7. Employees of our company possess technology of realisation of installation of occasional system of dome type for isolation of tanks (V - 50000 m 3, D-70m, Í - 34ì) from effect of adverse external climatic factors (storm a wind, high humidity, low temperatures).


In the activity we use a following production equipment:

The equipment for sandblasting - Êiess (Germany), Contracor (Germany).
The equipment for hydrojet processing - Karcher (Germany)
The compressor equipment-Airmann (Japan), Atlas Copco (Sweden).
The equipment for recuperation an abrasive – Êiess (Germany).
The equipment for air refinement - Êiess (Germany).
The painting equipment – Graco (USA), Wiwa (Germany), Wagner (Germany)