To protect your investment

Anticorrosive processing of metal constructions and tanks
Design activity
Concrete and metal protection
Damp course
Design activity
Concrete and metal protection
Damp course
For mail:
620026, Ekaterinburg, 8 Marta street, house 197, office 308
Tel. 382-03-47
ñîçäàíèå ñàéòà ñòóäèÿ WebZenit
Activity direction

As it is known, corrosion is a physical and chemical interaction of a metal material and environment, process of spontaneous oxidation of metals owing to chemical or their electrochemical interaction with the environment, leading to aggravation of service properties of a metal construction of a material. In industrial area the given phenomenon is especially dangerous – without having given it enough attention, it is possible to lose that, on what huge means and efforts are spent. However such consequences can be avoided, previously having resorted to anticorrosive processing.

Experts of our company execute anticorrosive protection of designs of various type. Works of this type with success and minimum costs for the customer are executed with use of technology of industrial mountaineering. Anticorrosive protection allows to extend considerably an economic life of designs, and considerably reduces expenses for the subsequent overhaul repair of buildings and structures. For this reason all over the world protection against corrosion is obligatory at erection of all industrial and civil objects.